Herring, Mitten-crab and Breadcrumb Sponge

| May 27 | 17:00 – 19:00 |
Meet, walk and talk with baltic marine species along the coast of the Öresund

Herring, popular with humans, as one of the species that have nourished the City of Malmö since its founding days, and Chinese Mitten-Crab, living in the Baltic Sea for almost 100 years, but still fighting against its reputation as an alien, invasive species, meet for a talk. The two take the audience of the Locally Alien Festival for a confrontational walk along the urban coast side of the Öresund.

The talk is moderated by the Baltic holobiont breadcrumb sponge Halicornia panicea. Herring and Mittencrab respond to questions, present their political programs and try to pull the audience on their side: What are the challenges for a multispecies coexistence amidst ongoing human colonisation of the Baltic Sea ecosystem? Who may call whom invasive during globalization and what is it good for? Are humans still capable of being a meaningful part of the marine ecosystem? What is Organisms Democracy and could it be an opportunity for the Baltic Sea? This dialog between species is hosted by Club Real, Organisms Democracy NGO and Feral Malmö.
zThis event is supported by the Nordic Culture Fund.

Herring, Mitten-crab and Breadcrumb Sponge

Club Real