| May 27 | 14:00 – 15:30 |
A river is in constant movement and transformation, In RIVER, the river Kävlingeån and the lakes Gyllebosjön and Bolmen in southern Sweden are connecting points between the wild waters flowing in the pipes of Malmö, in our bodies, and my personal history with these waters. 

Water is crucial for all living beings, we cannot live without it, and it’s now dealing with endless severe consequences caused by human activity. We mammals consist of mostly water, we start our life in amniotic fluids and life on earth began in water. What are you drinking everyday? How do we and the waters mirror each other in transforming the effects of patriarchy? 

This is a performance that highlights the water in our bodies and the bodies of water around us. I believe that we need strategies for both critical questioning, action and intimate connection, to care for the water is to care for ourselves! 

We will gather at STPLN for the first part, and then go on a collective walk to the sea for the last part. 

If you are attending this performance, please bring drinking water and a glass with you.

Warmly welcome,


Stefan Andersson