Photo Lab
Saturday, May 27
| May 27 | 11:00 – 16:00 |
This workshop will explore how one of the earliest photographic techniques known as Cyanotype can be used to record information about our built environment and how we and other forms of life navigate and occupy these spaces over time, along with how the physical and material landscapes around us are constantly changing. The aim is to co-create shared knowledge and artworks about the places we inhabit, which are frequently overlooked as influencers of our embodied and situated perception.
We will begin by walking from STPLN in Västra Hamnen to explore the changing landscape of the former shipbuilding industry. We will skirt the permissible peripheries of the Varvsbassäng development and pay attention to human-made boundaries that have enabled different life forms
to organise. After returning to STPLN, participants will visit alofilab to create experimental photo-developing solutions using the local flora we have collected during our walk. These solutions will be used to develop individual and collaborative cyanotype prints. Our goal will be to imbue our image-objects with layers of meaning that visually and materially reference what they resemble. These images can be considered to harbour indexical qualities that point to the multiple ways in which we perceive our surroundings.
There are a limited number of spots for this event, if you’d like to sign up, register below: